Yonas Sium Memorial R&D Center

In this center, we conduct multidisciplinary research to develop innovative and disruptive marketplaces. Currently, we are conducting the following research:

  •  Computational platform economics of multi-sided marketplaces
  •  Market-based Incentive engineering
  •  Intelligent Blockchain for asset partitioning models
  •  Intelligent Marketplace implementation via hybrid AI, and mathematical models

This center is responsible for the innovation of financial product engineering frameworks such as:

  •  Mathematical and Logical models of financial product engineering
  •  Formal and computational validation of financial products
  •  Intelligent liquidity strategy modeling, optimization, and visualization models
  •  Self-evolving Financial product models

In SERC, we conduct multitude research to continuous identify evolving SME financing challenges, and formulate optimal solutions. Currently, we are concentrating on the following research:

  •  Empathy based financing
  •  Model based industrial development
  •  Model-based SME appraisal
  •  Intelligent SME ecosystem development

In this research center, we concentrate on the development of regulatory technology using artificial intelligence, and biologically inspired frameworks. The following are the prominent RTIC research:

  •  Ontology based regulatory policy modeling
  •  Proactive regulation via artificial homeostasis agents
  •  Plausible models of regulatory lifecycle management
  •  Robo-advisers for regulatory systems