Our Products

UltiVision is a novel digital SME ecosystem platform that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence, and contemporary data science to implement model-based, and empathy-based SME financing. These platform resolve chronic SME financing syndromes, and impediments by fostering symbiotic relations between financial service providers, SMEs, their service providers, and complementers.

MarkTech is an innovative, and customizable digital marketplace platform that Implements heterogeneous marketplaces integrated via intelligent Blockchain technology. MarkTech Innovation is derived from diverse economic models to foster economic growth by stimulating optimal public private partnership (PPP). Currently, MarkTech comprises BOT, Real estate, Tender, Resources, Entrepreneurs, and Invoice marketplaces.

FinArchs is a novel financial product innovation, and development platform. This platform uses rigorous graphical product development framework called PEM that is implemented on the top of Intelligent ontology-based product engineering engine. FinArchs manages the entire product lifecycle constituents such as product engineering, validation, simulation, deployment, monitoring, liquidity regulation, compliance enforcement, and optimization.

FinRegs is an intelligent platform that promotes ubiquitous and proactive regulatory system implementation. FinRegs is equipped with regulatory policy lifecycle management toolset that is based on a novel concept called computational ontology policy artifacts. Besides, it utilizes advanced distributed multi agents to proactively implement regulatory systems with minimal ripple effects, cost, time, and risk.

FinRobos is an intelligent and interactive system that provides empathy based financial advisory services. This technology creates virtual avatar of customers, and service providers to empathize dynamic customer needs, mine their hidden values, and provide micro-personalized financial advisory services for individuals and firms. This system uses advanced AI to optimize customer’s values.

Currently, credit bureau services are based on low resolution, and noisy stochastic information. Besides, they benchmark customers based on generalized assessment and measurement scheme regardless of their differences. BureauTech resolves these by adopting 32 high resolution knowledge domains, and high fidelity industrial models to provide high quality credit informatics services.